Mining & Exploration

Mining & Exploration Service

At ZGC, we pride ourselves on ethically sourcing the fine gemstone specimens used in our downstream operations. We combine environmentally-responsible small-scale mining projects with targeted geological exploration.

Our in-house team of skilled geologists conduct methodical assessments to identify high-potential deposits while minimizing ecological impacts. We explore sites using non-invasive techniques, assessing indicators like alluvial deposits which typically yield secondary gemstone deposits.

When our assessments indicate probable gem-bearing reserves, we operate small-scale exploratory pits. Our focus is selectively extracting promising sample stones for valuation rather than large-scale mining. In this way, we can evaluate economic viability while preventing over-exploitation.

For sites that prove viable, we work closely with local communities to implement regulated, sustainable small-scale mining. We provide fair wages, safety standards, and site remediation programs focused on long-term ecosystem health. Our goal is mutually-beneficial partnerships generating community enrichment.

At times, we will also supplement our mining output through ethical sourcing from local miners. We perform due diligence to ensure legal and environmental soundness while maximizing the social benefits of artisanal mining.

In these ways, our ethical exploration and selective mining deliver high-grade rough gemstones for cutting, polish, and global export. We achieve reliability of supply through diverse ethical streams rather than single high-impact mines. Our clients can feel confident knowing sustainability guides our sourcing.